Goodwill Ceramic Tiles 

Contact us 08039949546 Goodwill Ceramic is a division of Wangkang Holding Group Co., Ltd, we are into the production and sales of wall and floor ceramic tile, other ceramic products and building materials. Our products are made from quality raw materials.

Contact us on 08039949546

for purchase on Porcelain and Ceramic Tiles in Nigeria.

Goodwill Ceramic is one of the leading ceramics and porcelain tile manufacturers under the brand Godwin Ceramics and which provide a variety of new products that can better serve the needs of its customers.

The company offers sales service ranging from manufacturing, distribution of quality ceramic and porcelain floor and wall tiles in Nigeria

@ Goodwill Ceramic you can find a great selection of wall and floor tiles, whether you are looking to add warmth, colour and splendour to your home or whether you are looking for that cool, clean, hygienic touch, we have it all.

Our enviable collections of high quality tiles are ideal for a range of spaces and you can really update any bathroom, kitchen, conservatory or any other area with our beautiful range of Decors.

Our Ceramic Tile create a more traditional look and you can add a fresh modern touch to your home with our range of beautiful Sparkly Tiles.

Contact us 08039949546

Get to know us

Made to Work

Here@Goodwill Tiles,you can find a great selection of wall and floor tiles. For more Informations Call/WhatsApp_08039949546

Our Project

We're always working on something. Most of the time, we're focused on getting results for our clients. But every so often we get the chance to experiment with new concepts and ideas.

Our Story

Like all great things, we started small. We took a few like-minds with a shared vision—and ran with it. Today, we’ve grown into something big.

Our Team

We’re more than a bunch of experts. We’re a family of like-minded people, using our passion and our skills to make a difference.

Goodwill Ceramic

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